As Curapipe, we welcome and applaud any initiative to save precious potable water, especially since the effects of climate change are now being felt. At our end, we focus on saving drinking water by fixing leakage in underground water mains. Water crises are deemed to be one of the greatest threats by the World Economic Forum (WEF). By 2030, demand will be 40% greater than the available supplies (2030 Water Resources Group).
In 2014, we put the spotlight on designer Arturo Vittori who came up with a solution to address the Ethiopian water shortage. He wanted to offer an alternative to the traditional digging of wells in Ethiopia which is often (too) expensive. Moreover, after a well is dug, pumps must be installed and maintained which means dependence on electricity. That’s why he developed water towers of close to 30 feet high that can collect condensation and rain water which translates to more than 25 gallons of potable water per day.
Fast-forwarding to today, we are now putting the spotlight on Mina Guli, the founder and CEO of Thirst. The image shows Mina inspecting leakage off a main water pipe caused by a corroded joint. These are typical leaks the kind that Curapipe’s Trenchless Automated Leakage Technology detects and cures without the need for disruptive digging. As an entrepreneur and activist, she is passionate and committed to raise awareness of the water crisis with her #RunningDry campaign by running 40 marathons in 40 days. She started with the New York City Marathon on the 4th of November, before heading off to run across Europe (UK, France, Italy), Uzbekistan, India, China, Hong Kong, Dubai, the Middle East (Jordan, Palestine, Israel) and Africa (Lesotho and South Africa). She then heads to Australia and South America (Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Mexico) before running across the USA and finishing her 100-day run back where she started in New York on the 11th of February 2019.
Thirst is also educating young people; it launched two education workshops of 1000 students each on World Water Day 2012. Since then, it has established 120 student clubs in 12 provinces across China, and created online communities in popular media.
Like us, you can follow Mina’s progress on Twitter @minaguli.